
Grading System

At the conclusion of each semester, 学生会收到书面成绩,表明他们在每门课程中的工作质量. 每学期学分的分数分配如下:

Grading System
Grade Value
A Excellent 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B Good 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C Average 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D Poor 1.0
F Failure 0.0
I Incomplete
NG No Grade
P Pass
W Withdrawal

All A, B, C and D grades are passing grades. I、NG、P或W等成绩不包括在计算平均成绩时. 平均绩点是总分除以尝试的学时数(包括不及格,不包括及格和不及格)所得的商。.

Midterm and End of Semester Grades

The University does not mail grades at the end of each semester. 学生可以在大学的学生信息网站上查看他们的成绩. 期中成绩不会被永久记录,但会被学生和他们的指导老师用作参考和指导. 期末成绩成为学生永久记录的一部分.

Pass/Fail Option

A student may register for an elective course on a pass/fail basis. 这个选项的目的是鼓励学生探索新的学术领域,而不会危及学生的平均成绩,除非成绩是F. Limitations on pass/fail registration are:

  • Junior or senior status
  • Only one course per semester may be taken pass/fail
  • No course required for the major or minor, no course being used to meet a general education requirement, 此外,任何用于满足外语或健康和保健学位要求的课程都不能通过或不通过.
  • 合格/不合格课程必须在注册时列出,并且不得超出批准的学术负荷
  • A course may not be changed from pass/fail, or vice versa, after the last day established for course additions

仅以及格/不及格为基础的课程不受本规定的约束, except they must not extend beyond the approved academic load.

Incomplete Grades

All course work is to be completed within the semester it is attempted. 如果有紧急情况导致学生无法完成指定的部分作业, 只有在下列情况下,教师才可以给I或不完整的分数:

  1. The student's other work in the course would earn a passing grade.
  2. 未完成的任务无需再上课就可以完成.

未完成的课程作业通常应在课程结束后六周内完成, 但教师可以允许从获得I级的学期结束后最多一年的时间. 学生有责任在约定的时间内或一年内消除这一缺陷, whichever is less. (第二次注册某门课程不会取消未完成的成绩.)如果导师在最多一年的宽限期后仍未提交成绩变更, the Registrar is authorized to change all grades of I to F.

Repeating Courses

任何希望在英国威廉希尔中文网站学习的课程中取得更好成绩的学生都可以选择重修该课程以提高成绩,但必须在英国威廉希尔中文网站这样做. 累积平均绩点(而不是学期平均绩点)将只反映特定课程获得的较高分数. Both grades will remain on the transcript. Credit is awarded only once for the course unless otherwise indicated. Some courses may not be repeated; these are determined by the faculty of the appropriate academic unit of the University.

Dean's List

To merit the honor of being placed on the Dean's List each semester, a student must have carried a full academic load of 12 hours or more, excluding pass/fail courses, and have earned a grade point average of 3.5 or above.

Grade Appeals

任何对课程成绩有疑问的学生都应该向老师提问. 如果老师不愿意改变成绩,学生对给出的理由不满意, the student may commence a formal appeal.

任何希望正式质疑课程成绩的学生必须在学期最后一天后的60个日历日内以书面形式提出. 信函应寄给导师,并抄送一份给直接主管. 如果导师和他或她的直接主管都同意并签署一份成绩变更表,将会发生成绩变更,并将其转发给注册主任办公室.

如果导师或直接主管不同意更改成绩, 学生有权在收到书面反对后两周内向招生和标准委员会提出上诉. 如果学生在提出上诉后30天内没有收到任何一方的答复, 学生可以直接向招生和标准委员会提出申诉. 任何向招生和标准委员会提出的上诉必须在收到有争议的成绩后的一个学期(夏季学期除外)内提交.

When appealing to the Admissions and Standards Committee, 学生必须将申诉副本寄给指导老师和直接主管. The student, 导师和直接主管将被要求出席委员会会议. In exceptional circumstances, 委员会可允许其他当事人出席听证会,以提供补充资料. 委员会主席将通知所有各方招生和标准委员会的决定.
